CUTE-16 Workshops / Special Sessions
Big Data on Intelligent Cloud (BIC)
Call for papersThe massive amount of data collected from various and environmental devices give the essential asset to the human’s predictable decision. The Cloud is the alternative of intelligent vehicle for storing these big data and information, analyzing semantics of patterns, proposing the objectives of beneficial decision, providing on-demand utility services, and investing another assets for the next generation. In the workshop of Big Data on Intelligent Cloud (BIC), we will discuss research issues of Big Data and analysis, Cloud computing and service, intelligent methodologies, and the related. Papers submitted to the Workshop of BIC are processed and published with the same benefits of the main conference of CUTE 2016. All the accepted papers submitted to the Workshop of Big Data on Intelligent Cloud (BIC) will be published to the Springer-LNEE with the same benefit of the main conference of CUTE tracks. Only the sessions will be held separately to activate research interests among research colleagues.
Workshop Chair: Prof. Eunmi Choi

- Big Data Analysis and management
- Cloud Computing and Service
- Big Data processing, mining, and pre-processing
- Intelligent data processing and Machine learning
- Intelligent algorithms and methodologies
- VM management, provision, and scheduling
- Big Data and Cloud architecture and platform
- Intelligent service modeling
- Security in Cloud
- Enterprise and government Big Data application and services
- Enterprise and government cloud platform and services
Submission: (Topic: BIC)
Information Technologies for Software R&D Real Monitoring System (ITSRMS)
Call for papersThis workshop aims to discuss key issues and practices on Software engineering techniques and tools which can be practical and effective in tracing, monitoring, testing, and managing R&D process, contents, and quality, through content-based process and artifact analysis. This research provides transparent and highly reliable Software development through real monitoring based on content-based analysis. This workshop will provide a cross-disciplinary forum for scientists, engineers, and computer users to share their experiences, new ideas, and research results shared in the fields between Software engineering and Knowledge engineering. In particular, we will discuss what the future information technology might be in the light of the recent wave of Software Process, Traceability, Testing, Reusability, Quality Evaluation and so on. By bringing together representatives of academia and industry, the workshop is also a means for identifying new research problems and disseminating results of the research and practice. Papers submitted to the Workshop of : ITSRMS are processed and published with the same benefits of the main conference of CUTE 2016. All the accepted papers submitted to the Workshop of : Information Technologies for Software R&D Real Monitoring System (ITSRMS) will be published to the Springer-LNEE with the same benefit of the main conference of CUTE tracks. Only the sessions will be held separately to activate research interests among research colleagues. Workshop Chair: Prof. Jung-Won Lee (, Jaeyoung Choi (
Workshop Chairs: Prof. Jungwon Lee

- Configuration management and deployment
- Traceability
- Software evolution and maintenance
- Mining software engineering repositories
- Software reuse
- Software testing
- Software visualization
- Validation and verification
Submission: (Topic: ITSRMS 2016)
[Only For Korean]Academia-Industrial Cooperation(AIC) Special Session
Call for papers한국정보처리학회는 심포지엄, 워크샵 및 저널 등을 통해 IT 분야에 대한 새로운 아이디어, 문제 및 해법 등을 의논하고 지식을 공유할 수 있는 장을 마련하고자 매년 국제 학회, 심포지엄 및 워크샵을 개최하고 있습니다. 일환으로 한국정보처리학회와 산하 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 연구회에서는 2016년 12월 19일에서 21일까지 태국 방콕에서 2016년도 마지막 국제 컨퍼런스를 개최합니다. 학회 회장님이신 구원모 회장님과 정영식 수석부회장님, 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 연구회 박두순 위원장님을 필두로 많은 교수님들과 관계자분들께서 행사 준비를 위해 노력하고 계시고 특히 이번 컨퍼런스에서는 학교, 연구기관, 정부기관뿐만 아니라 기업체와의 연구 및 협력에도 많은 준비를 하고 있습니다.
그래서 기업체를 위한 두 가지 타입의 특별 섹션을 아래와 같이 마련하였사오니 관련 기업들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
1. 회사 소개 및 보유 제품 기술 부분
- 정해진 양식에 2페이지 이내의 내용으로 기술
- 한글로 작성 가능
- 컨퍼런스를 통해 출판
- 양식 : 회사소개양식
2. 기술 논문
- 컨퍼런스에 제출되는 논문과 동일한 형태
- 반드시 영문 작성
- 추후 스프링거를 통해 출판
- 양식 : 기술논문양식
* 제출 시스템 : (Topic: AIC)
- 제출시 반드시 산학협력 세션인 "AIC(Academia-Industrial Cooperation)"로 선택하여 제출 바랍니다.
* 참가비 : 98만원
- 향후 등록기간에 등록시스템을 통해 등록하시면 됩니다.
- 카드 결제 가능합니다.
다시 한번 기업 및 연구기관들의 많은 참여와 성원을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
Industrial Workshop Chairs: Prof. Jungho Kang